The Indie Game Dev's Walkthrough: 5 of the Biggest Mistakes Made When Developing A Game That Lead To An Unfocused and Incomplete Product With No Players

(Even if you think you are building the next Minecraft)

A FREE, 5-day walkthrough of a successful game development journey, to refine your idea, build an initial player base, and launch an amazing game.

Hello! My name is Ethan, and I love Designing, Analyzing, and Playing games so much that I even have a Master's Degree in it. And I want to help you make your game the Best Game it can be.

Ready to finally unlock your game's potential?

Over the next 5 days we'll unblock the mistakes holding your game back, here's a peak...

Mistake #1. Scope CreepMistake #2. Trying To Add Features For Every PlayerMistake #3. Prioritizing More Game Mechanics And Features Over A Fun Unified ExperienceMistake #4. Not Prototyping and Testing EnoughMistake #5. Not Marketing Your Game Enough